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Basic rate in a sentence

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Sentence count:46Posted:2022-04-22Updated:2022-04-22
Similar words: basal metabolic ratebasic researchbasic operationbasic materialsmetabolic ratebasicabasicbasics
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31. Basic Rate Taxpayers will have no personal liability to Income Tax.
32. Since the basic rate increase, the patient naturally increased.
33. The level of ACT was linked to the basic rate of tax between 1973 and 1993.
34. The employer-unit with the occurrence of industrial injury shall, according to provisions,( adopt floating rate on the basis of the basic rate.
35. Previously, lots of good, land prices, are high-volume urban house basic rate observed.
36. Once the basic rate plus interest rates, a floating rate mortgage rates should subsequently rise, and this will increase the population living expenses.
37. Foreign exchange market: the basic rate, the cross exchange rates, a view of the market, including bid-to-date, the time-trend (Chart), K-line analysis (Figure).
38. This paper studied the average basic rate of income for BOT project under a relative good market system and the governments' responsibilities in order to improve the market efficiency.
39. Budget announced a new central excise duty and service tax rate remain at the current level of 10%, but the basic rate of consumption tax from 4% to 5%, to a unified iron ore export duty to 20%.
40. I think I can solve the problem, but I have to charge you more than the basic rate.
41. The level of ACT was linked to the basic rate of income tax between 1973 and 1993.
42. Payments are made net of income tax at the basic rate 2, if the company goes out of business, the loan creditors rank before the shareholders.
43. Improving the basic rate of consumption is to raise the capacity to pay low - income groups.
44. The other ISDN interface is the Basic Rate Interface (BRI), which is for homes and small businesses.
45. Each additional minute is charged for at one third of the basic rate.
46. In some developed countries, real estate prices remain stable, housing has remained at the basic rate of 60%, 70% of this level.
More similar words: basal metabolic ratebasic researchbasic operationbasic materialsmetabolic ratebasicabasicbasicsdibasicbasicitybasicallytribasicbasic paybasic formbasic lawmonobasicbasic wagepolybasicultrabasicbasic pricebasic inputbasic periodBASIC systembasic designbasic salarybasic colorsquasicrystalbasic englishbasic industrybasic account
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